Rubber seals dedicated to dynamic systems, used in mechanisms where it is necessary to regulate both the flow and pressure of fluids or gases of different kinds.
The areas of use for membranes are many and range from pumps used in agriculture to gas appliances, from plumbing to air systems. Membranes can be made with different geometries and materials, depending on the fields of application, including the food industry.
Control equipment for pump and pressure unit management,Petroleum industry, petrochemical industry, food industry, canning industry, marine industry, lighting industry, automotive, earth moving industry, alternative energy, hydraulic industry, pneumatic applications.
For 39 years, passion and professionalism in manufacturing industrial co-molded gaskets
P.I. 03296710175 | C.F. 01682050164
Via Vanzago, 16 25030 Paratico, (BS)